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ChatGPT for SEO: 10 Effective Ways to Use It

ChatGPT took the internet by storm at the end of 2022, and its creator, OpenAI, already expects it to generate more than $200 million in revenue by the end of 2023 and hit $1 billion in 2024.

Everyone is learning the endless possibilities that AI enables for digital marketing in general; and in the realm of SEO, there are some exciting potential uses.

While ChatGPT is still young, there’s plenty it can do now to help you in your SEO efforts.

In this blog, I’ve compiled 10 of the most effective ChatGPT uses to create more effective SEO strategies.

What is ChatGPT And Why Are People Interested In It?

ChatGPT-3, or “Generative Pretrained Transformer 3,” is an AI chatbot that can simulate real conversations with a human, search the internet for information, tell jokes, come up with ideas, and more.

The benefits of ChatGPT quickly became loud and clear to the public after launching in November 2022. Microsoft saw its potential and promptly invested $10 billion into OpenAI.

ChatGPT is catching a ton of attention. That’s partly because it leverages encaptivating AI technology, but mainly because it’s simply a fantastic product. ChatGPT combines the user experience of a chatbot interface with the powerful capabilities of artificial intelligence.

There are countless applications for it, and it’s dead simple to use.

As you probably know, I sometimes dabble in SEO, so let me walk you through some of the best ways I’ve found to use ChatGPT for SEO.

How To Use ChatGPT for SEO

There are countless different aspects to SEO, from on-page implementation, to technical improvements, to building effective content for readers, and more.

Depending on what information you feed ChatGPT, you can reap some pretty great results to incorporate into your SEO strategy.

I put ChatGPT through all different kinds of SEO tests to see what results it could generate for me.

Keep in mind that some answers may not be a good fit for your SEO goals, and information is not always accurate – ChatGPT currently only stores online data up until 2021, and even then, it can still get things wrong. So be careful what you pull from ChatGPT and always double-check for accuracy.

Here’s what I found that demonstrates how effective a ChatGPT marketing strategy can be for your website’s SEO.

1. Ask For Related Keywords To Your Target Keywords

As a start, you can ask ChatGPT to give you a list of similar keywords to the ones that you’re targeting for your own business or client.

Let’s say you’re a pizza shop owner in New York City trying to grow your business’s visibility.

Try asking ChatGPT for related keywords to “local pizza in New York City.”

In some cases, you may get answers that enable you to think of your business in an entirely different way.

You may never have even thought to serve vegan, halal, or kosher pizza to your community, but depending on the environment, there may be some potential search volume in those areas to optimize for.

Of course, you still need to find the terms that make sense for your overall strategy and customers, so ChatGPT can’t do all the work for you. What it can do is provide some sparks for you to take your SEO strategy in new directions.

It’s prompts like these from ChatGPT that can give you great inspiration for building more unique and useful content. Let’s get a little more into that.

2. Build Content Around Certain Topics

Once you have those keywords selected, it’s time to create content to rank for them.

With the help of ChatGPT, I can plug those keywords in, give it a topic to work with, and let it write me some content to use.

Notice the intention behind the prompt. By specifying that I want to sound like a small business owner, ChatGPT takes that into account to generate a more tailored response.

Digital marketers need to be extra careful here, however, when using ChatGPT for writing prompts. Not only can information be inaccurate, but you want to avoid any chance of plagiarism from other top sources online.

So, use ChatGPT to get your content started for you to refresh with your own unique voice.

AI copywriting is only going to improve with time, as will the quality of content. It’s best you get comfortable with it yourself to keep ahead of the competition.

3. Create A Keyword List Around Search Intent

If ChatGPT can write entire bodies of text using a prompted filter (small business owner), it should have no problem serving up more tailored keywords too.

By focusing on search intent, ChatGPT can give you some great ideas to kickstart your keyword list.

What are customers looking for that leads them to your product or service?

Focus your wording on satisfying what the customer wants instead of what you have to offer.

And remember, just because ChatGPT fed you the idea doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Be sure to do your own research to know which keywords are the ones to go after.

4. Generate Meta Titles/Descriptions

You can also generate different ideas for meta titles and meta descriptions for your web page and pull together elements from each that you like.

Of course, don’t remove all the humanity from your copy. You still need the text to represent your brand’s tone and voice, so always be sure to touch things up yourself. In addition, if there are specific keywords you know you want to target, be sure to add those there yourself.

5. Create FAQs

If you want to know what questions people are asking the most about a product or service you’re offering, consider asking ChatGPT instead of looking yourself.

Along with some basic SERP FAQ research and help from a tool like AnswerThePublic, you can create a robust list of questions that you can build content around.

6. Provide A List of Potential Topics For Your Content Strategy

Marketers are learning just how effective a ChatGPT content writing strategy can be because of how much time it can save you with topic creation.

Let’s use a fresh example. If you’re a new online banking service looking to teach people about the unique qualities of your platform, ChatGPT can think up countless different subjects and ways for you to create and share educational content.

Of course, it appears blogging and social media marketing are the bread and butter these days of many content marketing strategies. More niche propositions like how-to guides and comparison charts can get you thinking of great alternative ways to display content, though.

As always, you want to take this output to the next level.

What does your audience want to see?

For example, business bankers are going to need a very different set of content topics and formats from consumer bankers.

7. Help With Spelling/Grammar Checks

This is one of my favorites.

After you’ve written out some copy, paste it into ChatGPT and have it pick out any spelling or grammatical errors that might exist.

I took ChatGPT’s lead and built out some content about the benefits of my online banking service. ChatGPT found and corrected my clumsy typing with ease.

Simple. Effective. Valuable. This is why it only took ChatGPT five days to hit one million users.

Some people even use ChatGPT to convert copy into different common writing styles, like Chicago or MLA format.

8. Generate Outreach Emails For Backlink Opportunities

To see what ChatGPT is really capable of, ask it to write your backlink outreach email for you.

I put ChatGPT through a mini-test here, and the results are quite interesting. I gave it an admittedly bad prompt – to write the email “as if I were desperate for traffic.”

Obviously, no website wants to link to a site that’s struggling, so ChatGPT took its own response a step beyond what I was asking, informed me of the problem, and offered a solution.

I took the chatbot’s advice and let it generate a better email template for me.

Note that when it comes to marketing email success, you want to have as much personalization as possible. In this case, though, ChatGPT not only gave me a good foundation for that backlink outreach, but also provided me with a little bit of outreach advice!

9. Generate Schema Markup

Schema is the language that search engines use to display data. Schema markup is a set of code that allows search engines to understand the information on your website that it’s crawling.

There’s a lot of different markups for data you can use, including:

FAQsVideo informationPricesRatings and reviews

Not many people understand how schema markup works, so why not let AI handle it?

To find good questions and answers for your own FAQ schema, search your target keywords and see what results appear in Google’s Answer Cards and People also ask sections.

You’ll see what people are asking the most, and what SERPs are capturing most of the attention.

10. Build Regular Expressions (Regex) and Help With Reporting

A regular expression, or “regex,” is a programming language that allows for text searches that include more complex search capabilities, like partial matches, case-insensitive searches, and other advanced options.

Regular expressions are a very useful tool for reporting, as they can allow tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console to look at very specific sets of pages for your data collection.

If you’re curious about some of the functions of regex, I recommend taking a look at Google’s regular expression guide to dive deeper, but let’s get back to ChatGPT.

Going back to our pizza shop example, let’s say I wanted to see how my three locations on the “east side” of NYC are doing. I’ll have ChatGPT create a regex that focuses on those pages specifically.

Rather than having to pull all the possible URLs and build it myself, ChatGPT does the heavy lifting for me and saves me time. In cases where you may have dozens or hundreds of pages you want to bundle into a single regex, this is invaluable. For example, you could plug this into Google Analytics or Google Search Console in order to see how different segments of content are performing over time or against one another.


What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that went live in November 2022. Developers trained it using OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of huge language models to give it impressive learning capabilities.

Using ChatGPT, you can accomplish a huge range of things, like writing essays, debugging computer software, making music, telling stories, and more.

Is the ChatGPT app free?

ChatGPT offers both a free and paid version of the app. The free version of ChatGPT gives you access to OpenAI’s chatbot whenever available, but it does not guarantee access – and there can sometimes be long queues that keep you waiting.

On the other hand, ChatGPT’s paid version gives you priority access when the platform is experiencing peak traffic as well as access to unique new features.

What does GPT stand for in ChatGPT?

The “GPT” in ChatGPT means “Generative Pre-training Transformer.”

It’s generative in the sense that it’s an AI model that can generate text. Pre-training refers to its immense database of data stored within its knowledge base. Transformer refers to the architectural design of ChatGPT.

Can ChatGPT streamline my marketing campaigns?

As discussed, ChatGPT can be a gamechanger for kickstarting your marketing campaigns. While it can’t run your marketing operations for you, it can be a great way to brainstorm ideas and build out content.


Using ChatGPT for SEO essentially gives you an additional employee to brainstorm ideas with.

And that employee happens to have instant access to content all across the internet.

If you want to get the most you can out of ChatGPT SEO for your AI SEO strategy, here are a few tips to get comfortable using it:

In every step of the SEO process – ChatGPT can play its own role:

Keyword research – ChatGPT can generate a list of keywords for you to build content around.Content ideation and strategy – Now plug those keywords into ChatGPT and have it come up with content topics for each one, as well as unique ideas to share that content online.Writing and metadata creation – It takes those ideas and drafts up different versions of content for you to work with that you can use as actual copy or title tags and meta descriptions for Google.Editing – After drafting and touching up content, run it through ChatGPT once more to highlight any grammatical errors.Sharing – Once you publish your content, you can have ChatGPT create email drafts for backlink outreach that will grow your webpage’s domain authority.

As you grow more comfortable with the platform, you’ll uncover more unique ways you can take advantage of it.

Remember: ChatGPT is just another tool to use for SEO, not a sole source of truth. It’s still a new product, and there are plenty of expected errors and kinks to work out as it grows. At the same time, its capabilities will evolve and unlock greater creative capabilities for us all in our work.

The future of AI looks daunting to some, but as marketers, we should embrace it to enhance our own creation process now instead of worrying about it replacing us later.

How is ChatGPT helping you in your everyday workflow?

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