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How to Use Ubersuggest and AI Writer for SEO Content Writing

Do you use artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up the digital marketing process?

More and more marketers are turning to AI to generate content faster and more efficiently.

In fact, 28 percent of marketers use AI to write copy for them!

If you want to use AI to write blog posts, it’s crucial to prepare. This ensures that the AI copy you generate is well-written, piques the interest of your target audience, and is optimized for the right keywords.

Ubersuggest is fantastic for giving your AI copy the edge, and it only takes a few minutes to get lots of brilliant content ideas.

In this post, I’ll show you how to use Ubersuggest to quickly create SEO-driven content that your readers will love. I’ll also tell you about how you can pair Ubersuggest and AI Writer, the platform specifically designed for writing blog posts filled with value.

What Are Some Benefits of AI for SEO Content Writing?

Why should you use AI to write blog posts?

Here are three reasons why I believe all digital marketers should utilize AI tools to create website content.

It Saves Time and Money

The main reason you should blog with AI? It significantly speeds up the research and writing process, allowing you to free up time in your working day and focus on what you’re best at.

Here’s an interesting study from Wordtune. They found that it took marketers who didn’t use AI an average of just over four hours to write a 2,000-word blog post.

However, it took the writers who used AI an average of two hours and 48 minutes to write the same-length article.

Using AI for content writing can also lead to cost-saving efficiencies as people can do more with fewer resources. You can use tools like Ubersuggest and AI Content Writer completely free of charge!

It Eliminates Writer’s Block

When you write large amounts of content for your job, writer’s block can be incredibly frustrating.

I know the feeling when you’re staring at a blank document on your computer screen and don’t know what to type!

AI copywriting tools are brilliant for generating ideas and kickstarting the creative process. For example, you can use AI to get you started with a title, introduction, and header tags, and fill in the gaps!

It Helps You Write in Different Languages

When you have an international audience, it’s critical to provide content in the languages your visitors speak.

When I started translating my blog into 82 different languages, I saw my traffic increase by a staggering 47 percent!

If you don’t have a professional translator on standby, AI is an easy and cost-effective way to help you translate existing content or write new content in an entirely new language.

Scientific studies show that AI translation is 84 percent accurate, and I believe this rate will only get more accurate over time.

Of course, writing a blog with AI isn’t without its disadvantages. You need to double-check the content to make sure it’s accurate, and it’s important to humanize your AI content to add personality. We’ll look at some tips to optimize your AI-generated content later.

However, when done right, using AI to write blog posts can help you become more efficient and ramp up your content output.

Ubersuggest and Enhancing Your SEO Content

Before we delve into how to supercharge your content writing efforts with AI, let me introduce you to the tools we’ll use: Ubersuggest and AI Writer.

Ubersuggest is a keyword research platform. I created it to help businesses rank in the search engines and see how their website compared to their competitors.

There are a lot of expensive keyword research tools on the market, and I wanted to make something that was cost-effective and easy to use.

Ubersuggest has many fantastic features, like backlink analysis and on-page SEO auditing. In this post, we’ll use it to find keyword ideas and content suggestions.

If you want to know more about how to use Ubersuggest to optimize your website content, check out this Ubersuggest guide.

Now, let’s look at AI Writer.

AI Writer is a tool made to complement Ubersuggest. Enter a keyword you want to rank in the search engines for, then choose the title, intro paragraph, and headings you want to use.

Don’t worry if you don’t like the copy AI Writer suggests; you can re-generate it or add your own!

After a few minutes, AI Writer will present you with an SEO-optimized article.

All you need to do is tweak the copy to your requirements, and you’re good to go!

You can use AI Writer to create the first draft of your article in less than seven minutes. If you’re looking for a high-quality SEO AI Writer, it’s one of the best tools around.

How to Combine Ubersuggest with AI Writer to Support Your Writing

I’ll now show you the simple strategies I use to create a well-structured, keyword-optimized article using Ubersuggest and AI Writer.

Let’s imagine you work in the marketing department of a business that sells almond butter. Your manager would like you to research and write a blog with a good chance of ranking at the top of the Google search results.

The first step is to visit Ubersuggest and log in.

Finding High-Traffic Keywords

On the Ubersuggest homepage, type “almond butter” into the orange search bar.

Choose the country you want to see search engine metrics for, then hit Search to get started.

Ubersuggest will present you with the keyword research dashboard. Scroll down to the keyword ideas section, which we will use to find high-traffic keywords to use in AI Writer. You can also click on Keyword Ideas in the left-hand navigation bar to see more keyword suggestions.

As you can see, Ubersuggest has come back with lots of keyword ideas. The next step is to choose a high-volume, low-difficulty keyword to inspire your article.

Ubersuggest provides data to determine which keywords and phrases are the most valuable from an SEO perspective. This data includes:

Search volume. How often search engine users look for a keyword. The higher the number, the more popular the phrase is with search engine users.

SD (Search Difficulty). This estimates how much competition there is for the keyword. The higher the number, the more challenging it will be to rank.

You can also click on an individual search result to see which websites rank for that specific keyword, estimated visits, number of backlinks, social shares, and domain authority.

In this table, my eyes automatically jumped to the long-tail keyword “almond butter good for you.” This keyword has a decent search volume and a very low SD, meaning an article optimized around this keyword is more likely to rank.

Let’s use this as our keyword in AI Writer. You can either go directly to AI Writer or click on the Generate Content With AI Button to automatically get started.

Follow the prompts, choosing a page title, intro paragraph, and heading. Adapt each to suit your requirements.

Here’s the article AI Writer created, optimized to be as engaging as possible and to rank for the target keyword “almond butter good for you.”

You can edit the article directly in AI Writer, adding additional formatting, deleting content, or moving sections around. When you’re happy, copy and paste it into a document or your website. You can also save the article as a project to access later.

While you can only add one keyword into AI Writer, make a note of any other keywords you want to use in Ubersuggest. You can manually add these keywords to the content that AI Writer creates for you.

Generate Content Ideas Based on Ubersuggest Data

We’ve used keywords to generate content ideas in AI Writer, but did you know you can get content ideas directly in Ubersuggest too?

One of the fantastic benefits of Ubersuggest is that it looks at what is ranking in the search engines and generates content ideas that increase the chances of your business getting on the first page of Google. You can then plug these ideas into AI Writer and create lots of brand-new articles.

No need to brainstorm ideas or schedule long meetings with your marketing team to plan your content calendar; Ubersuggest does all the work for you.

Let’s go back to our almond butter business and generate some content ideas. Go to the Content Ideas section in the left-hand navigation bar in Ubersuggest. Then, enter “almond butter” in the search bar and click the orange Search button.

Here, you can see Ubersuggest has provided some high-ranking content ideas that our competitors have created. We can use these as inspiration for our content.

Ubersuggest provides a link to the content ideas alongside:

The estimated number of page visits

The number of backlinks to the page

The number of page shares on Facebook, Pinterest, and Reddit

Almond butter recipes seem very popular here – people want to know what they can do with a jar of almond butter apart from spreading it on toast!

Let’s use “almond butter cookie recipe” as our target keyword in AI Writer, as it’s got a lot of traffic and shares. Here’s a sample of the content AI Writer provided:

I would recommend trying the cookie recipe before publishing it on your website to make sure it’s delicious enough to recommend to your readers!

Optimize Existing Content

You can use AI to write blog posts, but you can also use it to enhance the content you already have on your website.

It’s good practice to regularly review and update the articles you have on your website. This shows visitors that your content is reliable and up-to-date.

Plus, doing this shows search engines like Google that your site is active and fresh, meaning you get a small SEO boost.

How would I go about doing this?

I’d start by using Ubersuggest to find new keywords and content ideas. This is especially important if your articles aren’t ranking on the first page of Google, as you can get some valuable pointers about what to include to increase your rank.

Next, see what AI Writer has to say about the subject matter your article is about. Compare the content it provides with your blog post and see if there is anything new you can add. AI-generated content is fantastic for providing a fresh new perspective on a topic.

Remember that the aim is to provide value to your web visitors. You want to optimize your blogs for SEO, but you want to make them informative and educational too.

Best Practices for Using AI in SEO Content Writing

AI is fantastic for generating content for your website. However, it’s not a magic bullet that will solve all your SEO problems.

It’s essential to check and amend any AI content you generate to ensure it’s accurate, original, and unbiased. This ensures your articles keep your web visitors happy and don’t get you into trouble.

Here are some of my recommendations for using AI in your SEO content writing.

Know what you want to achieve from your SEO copy. For example, do you want to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or grow revenue?

Provide a detailed prompt to give your AI copywriting tool as much background information as possible. This means you get a more well-written and unique piece of content.

If any claims are made in your article, check them and provide links to sources.

Add internal and external links to your AI copy. This increases the E-E-A-T level of your content, which in turn increases its SEO ranking.

Tell a story through your content. For example, you can add a personal anecdote to your article. This is something that AI isn’t great at doing at the moment, so storytelling can elevate your content to the next level.

Trust your gut instinct. If you think an AI article doesn’t work, even with extensive editing, don’t use it.

The good news is that nearly 75 percent of executives believe the benefits of AI outweigh the risks. Plus, these benefits will only improve as the technology behind AI advances.


How Does Ubersuggest Work?

Ubersuggest gathers data, including keyword search volume, keyword competition, keyword cost-per-click, and backlink metrics. It presents this data in an easy-to-read and understandable format, providing valuable SEO insights.

How Accurate is Ubersuggest?

Ubersuggest gets its data from various sources, including Google and Moz. It calculates its metrics using different algorithms to get the best and most accurate data possible.
It’s important to remember that there isn’t a keyword research tool that is 100 percent accurate, as no tool has direct access to the back-end analytics of a website.

How Can You Use Ubersuggest and AI Writer Together?

You can use Ubersuggest and AI Writer to quickly write high-quality, SEO-optimized content.
Use Ubersuggest to find high-traffic keywords and article ideas. Then, enter this information into AI Writer to automatically create content designed to rank in Google.


I’m absolutely fascinated by how AI is growing and evolving.

ChatGPT was only launched in November 2022, and almost a year later, more than 60 percent of marketers are using AI in their operations!

Think of AI as a helpful tool that can simplify processes and free up your time. By using it to write SEO-optimized, user-friendly blog content, you can focus more on refining your marketing strategy and growing your business.

If you’re short on time, want keyword suggestions, or need help thinking of fresh new article ideas, Ubersuggest and AI Writer are the perfect combination! Give them a try today and see how they can help you generate fantastic content for your business.

Do you use AI to write blog posts? Tell me which tool is your favorite in the comments!

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